
Posts Tagged ‘tourism’

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People People

July 19, 2012 4 comments

Yes, you read that correctly. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People People.

With a nod to Stephen Covey who passed away earlier this week, I decided to come up with my own list.

Why People People? As I thought through different circles of professionals I’m privileged to come into contact with, a common denominator is this notion of people people. According to, a people person is “an outgoing, gregarious person with good communication skills.” Every profession has them, but I would contend that people people are found more among those who work with membership and customer service, events and meetings, travel and tourism, and education.

So what makes for highly effective people people?

Habit 1: Listening  To solve a problem or provide assistance, a highly effective people person will listen. They ask insightful questions and gather information so they understand your request or need fully. They are resourceful and know how to connect you to people, ideas, and/or guidance. They don’t have to have all the answers and will tap into knowledge that they do not possess. Listening is a critical component to effective communications skills and an essential building block to both writing and speaking.

Habit 2: Engagement  Just as listening uncovers real needs and hopes, engagement is what enables a people person to pull disparate ideas and people together. An effective people person is engaged with you in a conversation as if you’re the only one in the world (we all know a few). They are fully engaged. When they leave the conversation with you, they are fully engaged elsewhere. These moments of complete engagement provide illumination for the other moments, and in time, concepts and people are pulled together. The people person is quick to make introductions at a party or a conference, not just to be polite, but because they see the potential impact of dynamic, new connections.

Habit 3: Service  Highly effective people people are more likely to volunteer or serve in some capacity. Maybe it’s the additional opportunities to connect with their peers or perhaps it’s the sense of continual learning. It could be a sense of gratitude or indebtedness. The common thread though is that of connecting people and ideas and resources.

Habit 4: Ownership  Highly effective people people see problems and seek resolution. While perfectly fine to delegate or seek assistance, the people person will follow up to ensure that the request or need was satisfied, either internally or with the customer, client, or member. They see their responsibility beyond the scope of their daily tasks or job description and will want to know that its conclusion was beneficial to the individual and to the organization.

Habit 5:  Responsiveness  The first step in ownership is responsiveness. People people are not satisfied with just meeting the minimum requirements. Let’s say the company policy is to respond to an inquiry within four hours. Where possible they are responding within 20 minutes because they know how vital this is to a customer service relationship. They are motivated by their own frustrations at a lack of service or a bad experience elsewhere. Because people people are highly social and communicative, they know that people talk. The people person wants to make sure that what is being said about them, their department, and their organization is positive.

Habit 6: Timeliness  While very similar in some regards to responsiveness, timeliness is different. Responsiveness says, “I see your need. I acknowledge your pain.” Timeliness seeks the full resolution of the need or the request. Responsiveness is what happens in the first moments. Timeliness is ongoing with various checkpoints. Think about it from the perspective of a medical emergency. Responsiveness is being first on the scene. Timeliness is getting the proper care in the hours and days afterward. The highly effective people person (as mentioned in Ownership) wants to see the resolution to its conclusion. It’s not enough to place the immediate call in response, customer loyalty is won or lost on the timeliness of the entire process.

Habit 7: Transparency  Highly effective people people live in a world where they believe most eyes are on them. While it has the downside of being a bit egotistical, its positive spin is that (as mentioned in Responsiveness), it brings an inherent accountability. The people person knows that people talk. These people may not talk to the people person’s boss, but they’re talking- in coffee shops, on golf courses, while shopping. They’re talking on email and Skype and Facebook and Twitter. The people person understands the connectedness of the world today and the rapidity with which ideas are shared. They know that things come to light with smartphones, cameras, and recording devices. Highly effective people people operate within this and want what is being said to be positive (Again, see Responsiveness).

What 8th habit or other habits do you see in highly effective people people? What other professions or industries benefit from having highly effective people people? Who are the most highly effective people people you know?

#SMfastfwd: 11.10.10 recap

November 10, 2010 Leave a comment

ChatterBachs hosted a #SMfastfwd tweetchat with a special #SoMeT tie-in on Wednesday, November 10th. Here is a recap of that tweetchat. I’ve tried to put in a format where the actual flow is easier to follow and makes sense, background chatter has been minimized, and so that the most valuable information and insights from #SMfastfwd are presented without this blog post getting too long. Again, it was quite the flurry of activity with so many great insights and comments being contributed. A special thanks to the following guest panelists/participants for making this #SMfastfwd tweetchat a great success: Richard Bonds of visitPA (@visitPA), Anne Hornyak (WhosYourAnnie), and Jenny Matheny (MathenyJenny) of @TNVacation and @paramoreredd.

How has #socialmedia impacted what you do on a daily/weekly basis?

ArcadiaPD:  Improving community engagement, another tool for notifications & effective communication.

visitPA:  SM channels have become a primary way 4 us 2 promote PA – especially w/ mkting budget cuts

transpr:  Compare to 5 yrs ago, we have ability to be our own “newsroom” to communciate directly with public. No more middle men.

WhosYourAnnie:   social media is on the brain 24/7

TravelND:  and to extend our brand in places we couldn’t touch with traditional media.

BSStoltz:  #SM amplifies my who I can reach and who reaches me – and shortens the learning curve.

How are #socmedia responsibilities divided in your org?

visitPA:  we handle all SM channels 4 dept: tourism, film & EconDev, FB,Twitter, 4sq Flickr Youtube,linkedIn & blog

WhosYourAnnie:  I think if SoMe responsibilities are divided, the organization really needs to be organized and have solid strategy. Start with strategy. Then account for processes and people.

NCCmeet:  All social media by our marketing assistant, however talk of creating a marketing team w/ diff. departments

MathenyJenny:  I am the primary strategizer & executioner of all things social for @tnvacation. I have help when I’m on vacay.

BSStoltz:   It’s not in the hands of interns or newbies, that’s for sure. It’s too important to pass off and forget about it.

mobethann:  Me, myself, and I! NO one else here “gets it.”

How have interactions with the public changed w/ the use of #socmedia?

WhosYourAnnie:  Tourism organizations can reach out to individual visitors now. It’s not about pushing your info. It’s about helping others.

MathenyJenny:  More personal tips, and insider info is being pass around to complete strangers. Great way to be in the “know”.

visitPA:  more personal interactions enables us 2 have an honest personality & can be more responsive & timely

NCCmeet:  Interactions with the public are selfless. SM is not to promote yourself but to share info and expect nothing in return

Keri_Mellott:  Quicker responses help the public engage with brands in real time. Adds to cust satisfaction & smiles 🙂

What are the biggest challenges your org faces with regard to #socialmedia?

WhosYourAnnie:  Time Management

mobethann:  Staff time, support, proving ROI to director and board, tracking results.

visitPA:  Fighting the “fad notion”, changes in administration may mean changes, finding the right best next thing 🙂

Keri_Mellott:  Challenge- getting businesses to learn the tools, then incorporate into a consistent strategy to build presence & credibility

samallgood:  Lack of employee knowledge and passion stemming from lack of same among city management

Kelly_Ryan_:  Biggest challenge is getting tourism partners to understand importance of SM! Some get it, some don’t!

NCCmeet:  1st it was trying to figure out our strategy – now its trying to convince others why they should be involved in social media

RvanHilst:  Not letting socmed become the magic bullet for every problem. If there’s no biz strategy, there’s no social media strategy.

Where have you seen the most success in integrating #socialmedia w/ other comms efforts?

visitPA:  Everything has 2 work together from website 2 SM channels 2 adv & PR-all supporting each other

mobethann:  We created @ChiefsinStJo FB page when we got the KC Chiefs Training camp. Earned over 3000 fans in weeks. Highly successful.

WhosYourAnnie:  most success is when you use networks together in campaign. Must have strategy and goals.

transpr:  SM allows real-time engagement for public impact on projects I work on such as road impacts. Invaluable tool now.

NCCmeet:  Our blogs about local events. Using WP Stats we can see what visitors searched 2 find it -often used search terms 4 the event

MathenyJenny:  Social has to be integrated in all mktg. outlets. If u aren’t cohesive in brand/message, then u aren’t doing it right

Keri_Mellott:   The key is in the combination of using #socialmedia online with meeting IRL to strengthen ur message & build trust.

What’s one lesson you’ve learned from #socmedia that you now apply to “real life”?

mobethann:  Talk TO and WITH people, not AT them.

Keri_Mellott:  How important it is to stay in touch. Whether friends from HS or new clients. Staying in contact is so easy now!

carlapmurray:  People appreciate it most when you say something meaningful…and they like pretty pictures too.

desabol:  To be present and spend more time listening than talking.

In what new way will you begin to utilize #socialmedia in 2011?

carlapmurray:  QR Codes and smartphone apps.

visitPA:   keep moving ahead, we launched @foursquare badges this yr & works really well 4 us, keeping pulse on next thing

MathenyJenny:   I’ll be doing more social related contests, FB deals, QR codes, and focusing on the conversation.

NCCmeet:   In 2011, Engage in more meeting planner/travel/#eventprofs discussions & blogs. And, have our sales team become active on SM

desabol:  Location based apps, more mobile, exploring QR tags, and integrating things even further.

brianjohnriggs:  Also working on integrating SM with traditional communication tools/vehicles (like postcards) to created blended experience

The following comments while not directly related to a specific question were just too funny or too insightful not to include in this recap:

Keri_Mellott: My hot oatmeal is now cold sitting next to me. Too much fun on #SMfastfwd! haha

BSStoltz: It’s “soft” money. With a sound strategy & measurable objecties + time, U reap rewards that would cost much more.

MathenyJenny: Reaffirms that social is about being personal & having a convo. W/O that personal touch, social will fail.

I welcome your additions, comments, and questions.  Thanks again to everyone for your contributions to #SMfastfwd.  I look forward to having you join us again for #SMfastfwd on 11.17 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time.